About a month before I left, I told my parents that I would be going to Spain to play soccer by myself. Both of them did not like the idea, and refused to let me go. I had been praying about the decision to go to Spain or Lake Powell for the summer. Spain kept going through my head. After, praying multiple times, I knew the Lord would provide a way. A lot more praying and blessings finally convinced me that I was suppose to go to Spain. The answer was cemented in my heart! I had never been so sure of something that Heavenly Father wanted me to do.
Two amazing people helped me through a lot of the situations and they believed in me. I still can not express how much that meant to me. As I got on the plane on July 20,2008 , I knew that I was making the best decision. The plane ride to Spain seemed like a long time. My flight got rerouted. Instead of going to Georgia, Paris and then Madrid; I went to NYC and then to Madrid.
As I got off the plane in Madrid, Spain; I said multiple prayers in my head about were I was suppose to go, and what I was suppose to do. I was so nervous! I started following the crowd of people and ended up at the baggage. I looked and looked for my bag but could not find it. AH!! I was getting really frustrated. I did not want to lose my soccer boots, everything else I really did not care about. I kept asking Heavenly Father over and over again; please help me find my bag. Finally I found it. I was really happy.
Now the hard part.... finding the group I was suppose to meet up with. Not knowing a lot of Spanish, it seemed difficult. I knew everything would work out. After about an hour of searching, I found the group. The person that was in charge did not speak any English... After a long process of trying to tell him who I was, we finally understood each other. YAY! His name is Pollie, and he was really nice. Pollie drove me and another girl, Emily, to the F and G hotel we were staying at in San Sebastian.

Two amazing people helped me through a lot of the situations and they believed in me. I still can not express how much that meant to me. As I got on the plane on July 20,2008 , I knew that I was making the best decision. The plane ride to Spain seemed like a long time. My flight got rerouted. Instead of going to Georgia, Paris and then Madrid; I went to NYC and then to Madrid.
As I got off the plane in Madrid, Spain; I said multiple prayers in my head about were I was suppose to go, and what I was suppose to do. I was so nervous! I started following the crowd of people and ended up at the baggage. I looked and looked for my bag but could not find it. AH!! I was getting really frustrated. I did not want to lose my soccer boots, everything else I really did not care about. I kept asking Heavenly Father over and over again; please help me find my bag. Finally I found it. I was really happy.
Now the hard part.... finding the group I was suppose to meet up with. Not knowing a lot of Spanish, it seemed difficult. I knew everything would work out. After about an hour of searching, I found the group. The person that was in charge did not speak any English... After a long process of trying to tell him who I was, we finally understood each other. YAY! His name is Pollie, and he was really nice. Pollie drove me and another girl, Emily, to the F and G hotel we were staying at in San Sebastian.
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